Saturday, July 10, 2010


The real priority this summer will be moving into our house...the house Jack bought in 2007 not long after we started dating and that he's been renovating for the past three years! We've come a long way since it was gutted and the foundation rebuilt three summers ago, but I have to admit it's not going quite as quickly as I'd like. The end result will be amazing, though, and hopefully moving into it before being completely done will serve as incentive to finish it up sooner rather than later...

Other than a final coat of paint, the outside of 22 Bianco Court is pretty much done -- new siding, metal roof, studio dormers, door awnings, and cement foundation -- and it's beautiful! The inside work is still ongoing, with most the rooms now framed. Next steps will be to get the mechanical elements installed (boiler, ducts, all that good stuff so we can have central A/C and heating!), then electrical wiring, insulation, and finally the sheetrock (walls!). I never knew how involved building a house was and how many little details have to be worked out in sequence before the next steps can be taken. So if I want a working bathroom and kitchen by the end of August, we have to figure out where we want to place all the electrical outlets, what kind of bathroom and kitchen fixtures we like best, whether we want dark (nope!) or light tile in the bathroom, the list goes on and on...

We haven't exactly been arguing but let's just say there's been quite a bit of discussion with few final outcomes as of yet. Part of me is fine with whatever Jack wants to do -- he's pickier than I am when it comes to design elements -- but I'd like the house to reflect some of my preferences and personality too. Just hoping there aren't any big blow-ups over the next two months... :)

In the meantime, think we're going with Kohler Stillness fixtures in the bathrooms, and sink (or sorry, washbasin) is a toss-up between the Duravit Vero 045480 and Lacava Aquamedia 5061. Who ever knew there were sooooooo many options for sinks?! It's seriously a whole new world for me, and so many options tend to be paralyzing. Thank goodness it's just a few more weeks of having to make such decisions!

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