Saturday, January 5, 2008

debate central

i'm ashamed to admit that tonight's is the first presidential debate i've watched so far... although my excuse is that ultimately it doesn't matter what all these candidates say during the campaigns, since it's business as usual once they get to washington. still not sure who i think would make the best president when i have the sense that our political system lends itself basically to perpetuation of the status quo.

i'm disappointed to have missed most of the republican debate, would have liked to have seen the verbal brawl, but the democrats have been mostly articulate in terms of specific plans and policies they would put into place once in office. i still wish they'd focus on the issues more instead of harping on and on about change versus experience -- as bill richardson said, when did experience become a bad thing? change doesn't necessarily equal positive change either, depends on how that change is brought about and the implications that come along with that change.

just some musings as i get more into the "politics" mode... rhode island's primary isn't until march 4, and we have a whopping 32 delegates. hopefully by then i'll feel informed enough to at least decide which primary to vote in!! :)

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