Saturday, September 24, 2011

multi-tasking to a fault!!

so just in case i didn't have enough to do planning my wedding, i decided to start graphic design classes this semester at risd...thinking maybe i'd like it enough to work toward a certificate and make myself that much more marketable... :) i was pretty nervous before starting since creativity isn't really my strong suit, but two weeks in i'm feeling much better and actually enjoying it so far. and the best is paying for the classes as part of my professional development! love being in communications...

digital tools has started out with much more of a basic focus than i expected, which is great. some people in class have never even used a mac before, so at least i've got that experience under my belt. am looking forward to learning how to use photoshop, illustrator, and indesign -- designing and doing layout in word is faaaaar from ideal so will be so nice to be able to use actual design software. think we start photoshop this coming week, should be fun.

intro to graphic form also hasn't been as scary as i thought it would be...and i like that despite the subjectivity of art and design, there is very much a focus on precision and certain rules as well. we've done some work on gradations and letterforms (yay!) and can already tell my eyes have become a little more discerning this week, after some class critique and discussion. below assignment for this week isn't super-impressive but took a while and am happy with the result. we had to lay out three grayscales, from lightest to darkest, using newspaper text, newspaper solids, and pencil. it's amazing how many shades of gray there are...and i'll never look at a newspaper the same way again. okay, have to start working on assignment #2 and then back to never-ending wedding prep!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

2011 so far...

Okay, so it's been a while since I've last checked in...although have to say not much has happened wedding-wise since the beginning of the year. Most of 2011 so far has been spent working on the house (stop me if you've heard this one before...), and I'm happy to report that as of this past weekend, one floor has been completely finished!! After four long years, the studio loft is complete...only three more floors to go... We moved into the top floor space over the weekend, so Jack tells me the rest of the house should come along more quickly now. Guess I'll believe that when I see it!

The few wedding details that have been "nailed down" (I use quotes since things could maybe still be tweaked somewhat): Date = October 1; Place = Acadia National Park, Maine (exact location TBD); Colors = no longer red and black, thinking maybe a fall theme; Dress = purchased and ready for alterations in September, by which time I hope to have lost at least five pounds! Not too bad, right? We head up to Maine next weekend to scout out the park for ceremony locations, hopefully pick a reception venue, and meet with some vendors (florists, bakeries, etc.). When I don't think about it too much, it all seems so do-able...but then I start mulling over the details and begin to freak out. Invites should probably go out soon but have no idea what kind of invites/stationery we want to use...and then there's the registry too! Okay, going to stop writing soon in order to avoid having a complete meltdown...

On a totally unrelated note, the past few months have been interesting job-wise for both of us. Jack had the opportunity to go down to Haiti again, this time to evaluate the transitional schools that have been built over the past year. He spent about 10 days in-country, including being in lock-down the last weekend he was there due to the presidential run-off elections. As an aside, apparently provisional results indicate "Sweet Mickey" has won, should make for an interesting next few years. For my part, started yet another new role at Plan, this time as Senior Writer/Communications Specialist -- which so far has been great, not as much responsibility or stress as the past four years, plus I get to write and lead special projects like documentary partnerships and celebrity engagement!

We also took a two-week vacation to the San Francisco area in February, spending a few days in the city, then making a loop from San Jose to Palo Alto, down to Monterey and Carmel, east to Yosemite, then up to Sonoma to finish up with some wine-tasting... Museums, beaches, aquariums, waterfalls, mountains, vineyards, redwood forests...and tons of yummy food! We had a fabulous time, with beautiful weather most of the time as well -- would highly recommend such a trip to all of you! Now to think about where we want to go on our honeymoon... :)