Friday, December 31, 2010

another year over...

Hard to believe that 2010 is virtually over! I'm actually amazed that we've made it through the holiday season okay, what with everything going on at work, with the house, planning Thanksgiving and Christmas vacations, etc. Once October went by, think we were pretty much on automatic pilot for the rest of the year, figuring out how to get down to North Carolina for Thanksgiving (14-hour + road trip), organizing Christmas cards (thanks, RISD museum store), and then the whole present-buying thing (good thing Borders is always a good fallback)... So grateful for wonderful time spent with family -- including two new additions with baby Sadie and baby Mazzy!! Of course family keeps wanting to know when the wedding will be, and we keep saying we have no idea...but likely sometime in the fall of 2011.

So now that we're through the stress and busy-ness of the holidays, back to concentrating on the house. It's been a little slow but still moving along, with the attic almost done! After getting the drywall in at the end of the summer, it's been plastered, primed, and painted. Now all we have to do is get the floor in, and we can move up there while the rest of the house is completed, hopefully by this time next year! Again taking longer than expected but guess that's how this kind of stuff works...if I only knew then what I know now.