Friday, December 29, 2006

so i've been reading...

maybe it's because i'm currently working at a bookstore (which i've enjoyed much more than i thought i would, given that working retail during the holiday season can be pretty grueling), but i've had the chance to catch up on my reading, getting recs from co-workers and seeing what's new on the shelves. okay, maybe dorky but i love it!!

and i came across this great poem in "march" (by geraldine brooks, written from the perspective of the dad in "little women"), which really resonated with me, although please don't think i'm having morbid thoughts or anything! just think it's kind of profound in a simple sort of way and expresses how i feel sometimes:

I am no longer eager, bold & strong.
All that is past;
I am ready not to do
At last, at last,
My half day's work is done,
And this is all my part.
I give a patient God
My patient heart.

kind of about trying to find my place or figuring out my life but not having the energy to think about it anymore... reasons why i also really love dido's "life for rent," all about viewing life as a temporary gift and realizing that if i don't put down roots, can't blame anyone but myself.

wow, think this is enough introspection for one night (am writing in taiwan), but some good thoughts with which to ring in the new year! am looking forward to 2007 and hopefully some welcome changes or at least some signs to point me in the right direction... :)